22 January 2008

Democrats Demonize Republicans. Again. Must be Tuesday.

"Undemocratic voter ID laws are just another part of a broad Republican effort to undermine our fundamental right to vote," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said....

Translation: Common-sense voter ID laws are part of a grass-roots effort to undermine Democrats' notorious efforts to stuff the ballot boxes, and therefore Democrats will use the standard scare tactics to attack them everywhere they are implemented or proposed (while undermining their validity through "Motor Voter" and other programs that ensure non-citizens have the IDs to vote, anyway).

On second thought, I wonder why I thought this was even worthy of comment. It's like saying, "It's snowing in Colorado in January." Yeah, what else is new? Except that while the snow is a pain in the butt and will have yahoos in 4WDs acting like they're immune to the laws of physics, it doesn't have the potential to turn the country into the socialist Third-World hellhole that is the Democrats' apparent intent -- with themselves in charge, of course.

O'course, that isn't any better than the Religious Reich's intent to become the next Taliban. Or the Green-freaks' intent to have everyone living in caves -- except themselves, of course. Or CAIR's intent to turn the US into a medieval Islamic hellhole -- with themselves in charge. Or CFR's intent to abolish the US entirely and institute a One-World government -- with themselves in charge.

In fact, is there any political group out there that isn't intent on destroying the nation I gave a decade of my life to defend?


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