08 November 2009

All Political Power Issues From the Muzzle of a Gun

And now Pelosi, et al. are going to put a gun to my head and rape thousands of dollars out of my limited income to stuff the already-over-bloated coffers of multi-billion-dollar mega-corporations in yet-another massive, fraudulent pile of suppurating bovine flop program of corporate welfare.

Bailout: Corporate Welfare. It did absolutely NOTHING to help the people trapped in exotic loans or suddenly un-/under-employed who were, did, and still are losing their homes.

Stimulus: Corporate Welfare. Except for the part where they robbed the lawful owners and gave the stocks to unions as payoff for campaign and voting support.

Cap-and-Trade: Corporate Welfare. With Pelosi and other crooks sinking millions into "green" companies that stand to make billions while people freeze to death in their dark homes.

Health Care "Reform": Corporate Welfare. Robbery at gunpoint of every individual (except the privileged few of Congress and SEIU, and millions of illegal aliens... Oh, let's call them what they are: foreign invaders!) whether or not said individual wants it, needs it, or CAN EVEN F*CKING AFFORD IT! -- for the benefit of bloated corporations from whom Pelosi and the other crooks have probably also bought massive amounts of stock.

Welcome to slavery. PCieg Heil!

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