30 June 2005

Poetic... No, Lyrical Justice

(Received in email from my brother)

ALERT: Are you as OUTRAGED as I am about the Supreme Court's recent decision, allowing city governments to take land from one private owner and give it to another? In "Kelo vs. City of New London", five Justices (led by David Souter) ruled that "eminent domain" allows any local government to TAKE anyone's private property if the government will generate greater tax revenue -- or any other economic benefits -- when the land is developed by the new owner.

If you AREN'T outraged, then you're not paying attention!

These black-robed dictators have now virtually destroyed individual property rights in the United States. Ignoring the U.S. Constitution AGAIN, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that local governments have the "right" to seize private property to make way for private commercial development such as shopping malls.

You read that right. It doesn't matter if your family has lived in your home since you were 11 years old -- if the local government decides that they could make more tax dollars by putting in a mall, too bad for you and your family.

Even Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said in her dissent to the ruling, "Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory."

But, the Supreme Court has spoken, so that's the end of it, right? Nothing can be done to expose this ruling for the TRAVESTY it really is, right?

WRONG. As a matter of fact, there IS something that can be done -- we can take this ruling to its logical conclusion, and show Justice Souter and his ilk who are sitting there in their ivory towers, far removed from us "common" folk, just what their "legal theories" are doing to US.

So, in keeping with what has now been deemed "constitutional", a private developer has contacted the local government in Supreme Court Justice David Souter's hometown in New Hampshire, asking that the property of the judge be seized to make room for a new hotel, to be named "The Lost Liberty Hotel".

According to WorldNetDaily.com, Logan Darrow Clements faxed a request to the town of Weare, N.H., seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, the present location of Souter's home.

Wrote Clements: "Although this property is owned by an individual, David H. Souter, a recent Supreme Court decision, Kelo v. City of New London, clears the way for this land to be taken by the government of Weare through eminent domain and given to my LLC for the purposes of building a hotel. The justification for such an eminent domain action is that our hotel will better serve the public interest as it will bring in economic development and higher tax revenue to Weare."

Ah, poetic justice is served. And YOU can help serve it to Justice Souter.

TAKE ACTION: This is not a prank. The town of Weare has five people on the Board of Selectmen. If three of them vote to use the power of eminent domain to take this land from Mr. Souter, Mr. Clements can begin his hotel development -- and we can begin the process of *reversing* this travesty of justice. He already plans to raise investment capital from wealthy pro-liberty investors and draw up architectural plans. These plans would then be used to raise additional capital for the project.

FINALLY, these tyrants in black can "face the music" and actually EXPERIENCE what they're putting the rest of us through! Click below now to send a message to all five members of the town of Weare's Board of Selectmen at once, asking them to see that "Justice Is Served" by implementing Souter's decision and putting a hotel on HIS property:


NOTE: Yes, like Clements, we're aware of the apparent conflict of someone who is strongly opposed to the Kelo decision using it to purposely oust an American from his property. "I realize there is a contradiction, but we're only going to use it against people who advocated" the Kelo decision, Clements told WorldNet Daily. "Therefore, it's a case of retaliation, not initiation."

Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help see that "Justice Is Served" in this outrageous decision to destroy private property rights! Thank you!


William Greene, President

27 June 2005

What was that, it takes vile-age?

A while back in an internet discussion, I made a pronouncement about the stances taken in Hillary Clinton's _It Takes a Village_. Afterward, I was utterly ashamed of myself because I hadn't actually read the book; I'd based my statements on reviews I had read. So I went to the library and checked it out.

It has taken me weeks to slog through its constant moralizing and redundancy, not to mention the strawman arguments, and the unbelievable arrogance of someone raised as upper-middle class comparing her childhood condition to that of those raised poor. To give credit where it's due, she does give passing notice of that arrogance, and there is actually some good information on child rearing in there. Taken as a guide for government action, however, it more closely resembles a manifesto for totalitarian brainwashing. At the end, I found that my earlier pronouncement had been..... spot on, after all.

What really had me gritting my teeth was the afore-mentioned moralizing in the face of the behavior commonly found among the Left. To give a few examples:

The talk:

"Even if dealing with political issues that have serious moral implications, we must be careful to avoid demonizing those who disagree with us, or acting as if we have a monopoly on truth." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton, _It Takes a Village_

The walk:

"At the Democratic National Convention, Janeane Garofalo -- comedienne, talk show host and liberal pundit -- called me a 'house Negro' and a 'fascist.'" -- Larry Elder

"Hi there you in-bred, flag-sucking, OxyContin-popping, Faux-News-watching, Apocalytic-yearning, Hummer-driving, election-stealing, jobs-exporting, Halliburton-loving, terrorist oil-guzzeling, insider-trading, Iraq-lying, Goose-stepping, Right-wingnut missing-links." joefree1, Democratic Underground

In the 20th century, it was Nazi Germany. In the 21st, it is Republican America. -- Alexander's sig line, Daily Kos

"I can tell you this: It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don't care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton

The talk:

"Our democracy has survived for more than two hundred years because at cricical junctures a majority of the people and their representatives resisted the lure of extremism.... The willingness to compromise in the interest of maintaining stability enabled our nation to become not only a world power but also a pluralistic society promoting unprededented tolerance for individual rights and freedoms." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton, _It Takes a Village_

The walk:

"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Kathleen Dixon, director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Remember: there's no sense in talking to them. Talk to your base first, the middle second, and the amoral and lying right never. -- cdreid's sig line, Daily Kos

"A trial and conviction of the Bush Admistration is the only way forward. The only way for America to live with its conscience. Charges: 1. Murder 2. Genocide 3. Crimes Against Humanity." dArKeR, Democratic Underground

"The average SUV driving, carb-guzzling, anti-intellectual American deserves this government." -- Paul Goodman, Daily Kos

"There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton

So, let's see how well Hillary and her fellow travellers adhered to her stated standards of conduct:
Avoiding demonizing those who disagree with you?
Avoiding acting as if you have a monopoly on the truth?
Resisting extremism?
Showing willingness to compromise?
Promoting tolerance?

What, you say it's the pot calling the kettle black? It's more like the soot calling the kettle black. A caucasian "liberal" makes racist slurs against a black conservative -- at her party's national convention, no less -- and is applauded for it. (I remember the news report.) A conservative who did anything like that would be excoriated and expected to wear and flagellate themselves with chains of guilt heavier than those of Marley's ghost! Don't believe me? Go mention Strom Thurmond on a "liberal" message board and watch the villifications fly. Mention Robert Byrd and the KKK, however, and watch how fast that's excused because he's now politically correct.

"Political correctness is not the end of human liberty, because political correctness does not have power commensurate with its aspirations. It is essential, however, to understand those totalizing ambitions for what they are. O'Brien's re-education of Winston in 1984 went to the heart of such invasiveness. "We are not content with negative obedience.... When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will." The Party wanted not to destroy the heretic but to "capture his inner mind." Where others were content to command "Thou shalt not" or "Thou shalt," O'Brien explains, "Our command is `Thou art.'" To reach that end requires "learning... understanding [and] acceptance," and the realization that one has no control even over one's inner soul. In Blue Eyed, the facilitator, Jane Elliott, says of those under her authority for the day, "A new reality is going to be created for these people." She informs everyone of the rules of the event: "You have no power, absolutely no power." By the end, broken and in tears, they see their own racist evil, and they love Big Sister." -- Alan Charles Kors, _Thought Reform 101_, REASON * March 2000

See the blog header for my view on political correctness. The modern version is the invention of the "liberals," and the focus of their agenda. And they dare to call the conservatives fascists and Nazis. Gods help us if they ever do gain power comensurate with their aspirations, because they have shown above what they'd do with it. PCieg Heil!