08 November 2009


Goose-stepping, Non-sapient, Ideology-blinded, Soundbite-parroting, Scat-flinging Monkey-bot.


Goose-stepping -- Whether mindlessly yapping "Bush lied, people died!" or "Mega-dittos, Rush!" it's goose-stepping. Marching along, shouting stupid slogans, acting as a cog in a machine that will stomp its adherents into muck given half a chance and the slightest misstep.

Non-sapient -- Sapience requires thought. Actual thought. Reasoning. Figuring out what's true and what's bullshit; what's fact and what's fraud. GNISSMs do not think. They belieeeeeeve! They feeeeeel! No thought involved. Thought is wrong. Must believe and feel as leaders say. Must not depart from the herd!

Ideology-blinded -- Nothing that does not agree with the received wisdom of the herd is accepted. Sometimes it isn't even seen or heard. The GNISSM simply blanks it out and substitutes something that agrees with the prejudices instilled by the received wisdom. This can change in a instant, however, when the leaders decide that some particular dogma is no longer appropriate. "We are at war with Oceania! We have always been at war with Oceania!"

Soundbite-parroting -- Everything that comes out of the GNISSM's mouth is pre-digested, pre-approved, politically correct and stamped with the ideological seal of approval. Again, there is no thought, just mindless bleating of goose-stepping slogans.

Scat-flinging -- The GNISSM does not think, does not acknowledge or incorporate any information or viewpoint except that handed down by the leaders. When confronted with contrary fact or opinion, the GNISSM flings insults, snide comments, belittlements, logical fallacies, and holier-than-thou self-righteous aggrandizements that would leave the Pharisees, the thought police, and Mrs. Grundy all gaping in awe at the sheer, bald-faced, hypocritical, blind stupidity and ass-holiness of the absolutely brainless utterances.

Monkey-bot -- No thought. Pure knee-jerk reaction. Mechanically clanging its brass cymbals in an incessant, mindless robotic cacophony of party-/religion-/state-approved predigested propaganda programmed straight into the control chip in the GNISSM's head.

Or so it appears to any sapient being who has the misfortune to be observing.

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