11 September 2005

Never Forget!

While we deal with the effects of Hurricane Katrina, let us never forget the significance of today's date.

America Attacked
Pentagon Memorial
America Attacked (Mirror Sites)
Lest We Forget

CDs of the flash movies are available. "America Attacked" info is here, "Pentagon" info is at the end of the movie.

Update: Housing for Those Displaced by Hurricane Katrina

Another source of housing offers can be found at The Witches Voice. Check the sidebar, "Katrina Relief Notices...", right side of center frame.

These offers include several that will accept pets.

The Arrogance of Global Warming Enthusiasts

Unbelievable. It's simply unbelievable that someone who speaks of history knows so little of it. Bill McKibben states:
For the 10 thousand years of human civilization, we've relied on the planet's basic physical stability.

Sure, there have been hurricanes and droughts and volcanoes and tsunamis, but averaged out across the Earth, it has been a remarkably stable run.

If your grandparents inhabited an island, chances were that you could too. If you could grow corn in your field, you could pretty much count on your grandkids being able to do likewise. Those are now sucker's bets -- that's what those predictions about environmental refugees really mean.

Yet while speaking of "10 thousand years of human civilization" he seems utterly unaware of that history within the past 1000 years. To wit: there was a mini-ice age only about 800 years ago, and world temperatures have yet to recover to their previous level.

Oh, yes. Say Greenland and people think of arctic conditions. And that has been the case for ... oh, around 800 years or so. Yet the Scandinavian colonies there were wheat producers. Then world temperatures dropped and the colonies were either abandoned or wiped out.

Strange, isn't it, that none of the "global warming" purveyors ever mention that. Guess it's one of those inconvenient little facts that would show their "It's all the fault of humans!" strident bellowing to be the unmitigated bullshit that it really is. No grant money in saying, "Oh, yeah. And by the way, global temperatures are just recovering from a recent dip. Geologically speaking, a cold breeze blew through the room."

There's no feeling of control over anything in that, either. And considering that such purveyors want everyone to do what they say to prevent the disasters they're predicting, I'd have to say that control mentality is a large part of their makeup. Not to mention the sheer arrogance of believing that tiny little humans can control the cycles of the planet and solar system. These bozos think they can play god.

Reducing pollution is a good thing, in and of itself. But Chicken Little cries of "The sky is falling and WE'RE the cause!" is so utterly infantile, I wonder why so many people take it up. Unless all those people just feel so insignificant that they have to come up with something to blame themselves -- or others -- for, so they can feel like they matter.

Had humans never evolved here; had we never discovered physics or chemistry; were we still living in the "idyllic" "state of nature" (see Hobbes!) that some of these morons claim we should, the planet would still go through cooling and warming cycles. It would still have ice ages and warm periods. It would still spin through space with total disregard to the mites crawling on its surface, doing its own thing in accord with the laws of the universe.

So how do these zealots get so much press for their doomsday predictions and claims that it's all humans' fault? Are that many people really so stuck in an inferiority complex that they'll listen to doomsayers just to feel special, when the facts of recorded human history are right there to show the lie?

And what really, truly pisses me off is how the Chicken Little Priests of Doom have subsumed pollution reduction into their junk science about global warming. They can't just say, "Hey, folks! 'Don't shit where you live' is a really good philosophy to follow!" No, they wrap it up with loud and unceasing cries of "Disaster! Disaster! We are the owners of the One Truth! Listen to us and us alone or there shalt be disaster!!!"

Then the people who don't believe their proselytizing bullshit likewise discount the real message that polluting is a Bad Thing (TM). Something widely known decades ago and accepted on its own merits.

Idiots. Morons. Arrogant, self-aggrandizing control freaks who want to claim they are gods.

05 September 2005

Housing for Those Displaced by Hurricane Katrina

Giving credit where credit is due, the hard-left activist group MoveOn.org is doing some concrete good in this matter. They've set up a site to find housing for the displaced at HurricaneHousing.org. It originally focused on areas within 300 miles of the damaged areas and the Houston Astrodome evac center, but the displaced are already being moved out to other states to relieve the overcrowding. I'll note that the US Salvation Army has this as the direct link on their website.

Other sites are:
Katrina Volunteer and Housing Opportunities
Adopt a Storm Family

And a word to the wise: I have seen numerous complaints on the internet that the Red Cross kept about 90% of the some $1 billion it collected for 9-11, allocating it for "research projects" instead of sending it to the people the donors intended to have it. Many now refuse to donate to them because of this, and are instead sending their donations to the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities,
America's Second Harvest and other charity/relief organizations.

If you decide to donate to the Red Cross, earmark your donation specifically for the relief effort, so it doesn't get stuffed into a slush fund, instead.

Idiocy caused major problems in New Orleans

Bill on From the Swamp found an article on Federal Computer Weekly that explains the lack of communications in New Orleans. The police radio network was set up at locations below sea level, without power to run the generators in case of main utility failure.

Go read both. Bills' summation is as good as anything I could say.

This is idiocy, pure and simple. The persons who allowed this fiasco are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people.